WhatsApp has announced it will no longer support certain older smartphone models as new Android and iOS versions become available. This change affects users with phones running Android 4 or earlier and iOS 11 or earlier. From now on, WhatsApp will only support devices with Android 5 and iOS 11 and later versions.
According to CanalTech, a tech website, there are 35 smartphone models that will no longer support WhatsApp. While WhatsApp has not specified the exact phones, the list reportedly includes models from popular brands like Apple, Samsung, Huawei, and Motorola. If you own one of these devices, you’ll need to upgrade to a newer model to continue using WhatsApp.
Here is a list of some of the affected phones:
Samsung Phones
Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus
Samsung Galaxy Core
Samsung Galaxy Express 2
Samsung Galaxy Grand
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 LTE
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo LTE+
Samsung Galaxy S 19500
Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini VE
Samsung Galaxy S4 Active
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini I9190
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini I9192 Duos
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini I9195 LTE
Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom
Apple Phones
Apple iPhone 5
Apple iPhone 6
Apple iPhone 6S Plus
Apple iPhone 6S
Apple iPhone SE
Huawei Phones
Huawei C199
Huawei GX1s
Huawei Y625
Ascend P6 S
Ascend G525
This update is a reminder to ensure your smartphone is compatible with the latest app requirements. If you’re using one of these older models, consider upgrading to continue enjoying WhatsApp’s services and features.