WhatsApp is known for regularly updating its services to meet users' needs, but sometimes this means discontinuing support for older smartphones. CanalTech has released a new list of 35 phone models from popular brands that will no longer support WhatsApp in the coming days. Here’s the list of affected models:
Samsung: Galaxy Ace Plus, Galaxy Core, Galaxy Express 2, Galaxy Grand, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy S3 Mini, Galaxy S4 Active, Galaxy S4 Mini, Galaxy S4 Zoom
Moto: Moto G, Moto X
Apple: iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone SE
Huawei: Ascend P6 S, Ascend G525, Huawei C199, Huawei GX1S, Huawei Y625
Lenovo: Lenovo 46600, Lenovo A858T, Lenovo P70, Lenovo S890
Sony: Xperia Z1, Xperia E3
LG: Optimus 4X HD, Optimus G, Optimus G Pro, Optimus L7
If you own one of these models, you will need to upgrade to a newer device to continue using WhatsApp. Without support, you won't receive messages, and your phone could be at risk of security issues. Upgrading ensures your data remains safe and secure.