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Shiva YT

Zodiac signs


As the planetary strength is very favorable, the whole day will pass happily. Important affairs will be satisfactorily completed. Income will be good but unnecessary expenses will increase. Important decisions are taken and implemented in career and business. The value of your word and deed increases in the job. There may be some mental stress. Travel with family members. You will benefit from the elders of the family.


The timing is very favorable. Good contacts with prominent people in the society will increase. Reputation increases at home and abroad. There is workload in professions and jobs. You will get support from relatives and friends. Your suggestions and suggestions will be valued. Expected job opportunities will come to the unemployed. Actively participates in dinner entertainment. Hear the expected good news from the children. Health is mostly stable.


The day passes happily. Expected progress is seen especially in the economic situation. It is possible to reach a position where you can help others. Favors increase in working life. Professional businesses will proceed profitably. The whole day will be mostly favorable. Spend more on family members. Childhood friends meet. Some important tasks are completed smoothly.


Due to Ashtama Shani and Dasama Guru, there is a possibility of slight ups and downs in career and jobs. There is a lot of pressure and effort in the job. Business requires more attention. The tasks undertaken will be completed successfully. Close friends will help in important matters. Participate in spiritual program with family members. It is better not to trust anyone blindly. It is not a good idea to have guarantees for anyone in the current situation.

the lion

There is no possibility of any worry due to the presence of Guru in Bhagya's place. Some major issues will be resolved. It's time for the unemployed to come together. Careers and businesses will be on the path of profits. Get rid of stress at work. Important affairs will be completed successfully. Marriage attempts are also likely to succeed. Collecting bad debts. Family life will be happy.


Transit of Venus in money position will improve financial condition. Additional income efforts will yield good results. Financial affairs need to be managed more carefully. Damage due to excessive generosity. Important affairs are postponed. There is an opportunity for business development. Care should be taken in food excursions. Work life will be peaceful and harmonious. Demand increases in professional life.


As the strength of benefic planets is very favorable, there is expected increase in income. Not only in terms of career and jobs, but also economically, stability will be achieved at the desired level. Planned works and efforts will happen as planned. One or two personal problems will be solved. Important affairs are completed without any interruptions. Expected information will be received from abroad. Health should be taken care of. Pilgrimages and excursions are planned. Expenditure on luxuries increases.


As ruler Mars is in the sign, the number of victories is slightly higher. There will be profit due to own decisions in profession and business. Participate in an auspicious work with friends. Unexpected money and dues will be received. Get rid of the real estate dispute. Career and jobs will move ahead enthusiastically. The hard work inside and outside will get due recognition. Family life will be peaceful and happy.


There will be no shortage of income as Rasyadhipati Guru and Finance lord Shaniswar are favourable. There is an expected increase in income from time to time. Some important matters will be fixed with persistence. There is no health problem. You will get promotion in the job. Demand and earnings will increase beyond expectations for doctors, lawyers and other professions. Focuses on family matters. Children make progress in studies.


As ruler Saturn is strong in 2nd, there may be no shortage of income. There is a possibility that money will come together unexpectedly. Financial stability is achieved. The whole day will be smooth and happy. Good news will be heard in job endeavors. Help relatives and get embarrassed. Career and business will progress steadily. It is better to be careful in financial transactions. Most of the family affairs will be fine.


Due to the strength of the tenth place, the priority in career and jobs will increase. Harmony with the head cars increases. However, there will be little mental stress due to Shani in Elina. There is a possibility of minor illness. Important affairs are completed slowly. Profession and business will go smoothly. Work life will go smoothly. Participates in religious activities with family members. Good news will be received from relatives.


Financial condition will be very good as ruler Guru is roaming in the place of money. Important financial problems will be solved. Time is favorable for job and financial endeavors. There is no shortage of income in profession and business. Planned tasks will be completed as planned. Health does not seem to matter. There are indications of some loss of money. Children thrive. They participate in divine activities as a family.

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