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MusicFx పోర్ట్ఫోలియో నుండి
సురవరం ప్రతాప్ రెడ్డి సాహితీ వైజంతి ట్రస్ట్ నేతృత్వంలోని తెలుగు సాహిత్యంలో ఎవరు సువరం ప్రతాప్ రెడ్డి దృష్టికి అనుగుణంగా తెలుగు సాహిత్యాన్ని మెరుగుపరచడానికి నిరంతరం కృషి చేస్తారు.

సురవరం ప్రతాప్ రెడ్డి ట్రస్ట్

ప్రతి ప్రధాన సంగీత వేదికపై మీ సంగీతాన్ని ప్రచురించండి...

మీ సంగీతంలో డబ్బు ఆర్జించండి
ప్రతి దేశం & భూభాగం.

ఎఫ్ ఎ క్యూ
What is MusicFx?MusicFx has been set up as a distribution platform to release independent artists' music worldwide on all major streaming platforms.
MusicFx can publish my music to which music streamings apps?MusicFx is continually working with newer apps. Major Apps to which your songs can be published right now include. Jio Saavan Apple Music Amazon Music Hungama Google Music Youtube Music Spotify Deezer Netease Vkontakte 24/7 MusicShop 7 Digital Dream on Korea Thumbplay iTunes Joox KKbox Mondia Media Napster PhonoNet Play Network Qobuz QQ Shazam Tidal Kohtakte Yandex Zvooq
What is MusicFx objective?Independent artists with exemplary talent have not been able to reach their maximum audiences and thereby not able to make use of the full monetary potential. Our objective is to fill this gap by having a dedicated platform with workflow focused for independent artists.
Will I have to give away my copyright to MusicFx or agree for a lock-in perioid.Unlike any other Music Label or distribution service we do not take your copyright nor block you into any lock-in period.
What will MusicFx enable for me?Our objective is to enable independent music to reach the target audiences and enable the content owner to monetise them to the maximum.
What are MusicFx terms & conditions?By submitting a song to us you agree to the same set of terms and conditions that we are obligated to the music streaming services. MusicFx does not put any additional restrictions or conditions.
What is required from my end for MusicFx to publish my song?All you have to do is give us the music tracks and the artists names in a prescribed format and we will do the rest of the technical work of getting them into the right formats and coordinating with the streaming services for publication. Its best to submit the song through submit song button so that you can give all the metadata that is available.
Will MusicFx help promote my song?We will use our expertise in brand promotion to do everything possible for the promotion of the song. That includes submitting promotional content on streaming apps, ensuring visibility and doing a story about your music in our digital platforms.
Will I get links to my songs on streaming apps so that I can publish on my social media handles?We will share the links of your music on major streaming apps with you so that you can promote your music on your social media handles.
How does MusicFx recieve revenues from streaming services?On a quarterly basis we get data from streaming services based on which we raise invoices to them and generate revenue.
Will my music streaming statistics be shared with me?Unlike standard industry practice it is our core USP that we keep this data transparent and without any follow up from your end we will share the data transparently and revenues are shared with you in an automated manner.
How much revenue will I get from MusicFx?From the revenue recieved by MusicFx, operating exepnses as per agreement will be deducted and the remaining full revenue will be transferred to content owner.
Is there any upfront fee that I have to pay to MusicFx?Unlike other distribution services / music labels we do not have any other upfront costs that you have to incur for the publishing of your music.
Can I exit MusicFx services at any point of time?If at any point of time you would like to shift to a different music label or distribution service or if you would want to launch one yourself all you have to do is to inform us and we will inform the streaming services to start sharing the revenues with the new label of your choice, no questions asked.
Will MusicFx help monetise my youtube channel also?Since youtube is open for anyone with 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours you can monetise your channel on youtube directly. However optionally we can monetise your youtube channel too which will give you added advantage of protecting against piracy. If we handle your youtube channel as an advanced CMS partner we will have the opportunity to either take down copies on other channels or monetise them (on youtube and social media platforms) which will help generate much higher revenues. If we operate your youtube we can monetise your content when someone uses your music for their content on social media platform. However to be eligible for this your channel should already be generating USD40000 per annum.